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/ The Pier Shareware 9 / The Pier Shareware #9 (Pier Exchange).ISO / 004 / wcsuno23.zip

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File Comment
   ║                                   ║
   ║ The Pier Shareware CD-ROM #9      ║
   ║ Tested With McAfee(tm) SCAN v230  ║
   ║                                   ║

Text (19)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
DBRIDGE.HLP Text File 82 2KB 1996-01-25
DESC.SDI Text File 9 318b 1996-01-25
DISTRIB.TXT Text File 26 1KB 1996-01-25
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 307b 1996-02-18
INTERBBS.DOC Text File 356 15KB 1996-01-25
OS2WARP Text File 17 751b 1996-01-25
READ.ME Text File 39 1KB 1996-01-25
REGISTER.FRM Text File 62 3KB 1996-01-25
ROUTE.CFG Text File 10 338b 1996-01-25
SAMPLE.BAT DOS Batch File 7 235b 1996-01-25
SAMPLE.CFG Text File 15 174b 1996-01-25
SPECIAL.TXT Text File 25 804b 1996-01-25
TPSCD.BBS File List 15 388b 1996-02-01
UPGRADE.DOC Text File 26 940b 1996-01-25
WCSDOORS.FAQ Text File 121 6KB 1996-01-25
WCSINFO.TXT Text File 75 3KB 1996-01-25
WCSUNO.DOC Text File 492 21KB 1996-01-25
WCSUNO.HIS Text File 80 4KB 1996-01-25
WCSUNO.HLP Text File 64 3KB 1996-01-25

Other Files (3)
SETUP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 70KB 1996-01-25
UNOIBBS.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 132KB 1996-01-25
WCSUNO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 124KB 1996-01-25